When it comes to airsoft gaming, the choice of airsoft gear can significantly impact both your performance and experience. Lancer Tactical is among those brands we recommend for first-time s
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Airsoft Station News
You heard about the Glock 17 and the Glock 19 but have you heard of the Glock 18?It is a bulky pistol with a 9mm bullet capable of firing up to 1200 rounds every minute. The model is very similar to t
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As a small personal defense weapon the P90 has experienced a revival on the battlegrounds of airsoft. Being unique in design and safe in terms of firing, the P90 constitutes one of the most widely
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Airsoft lovers know that only a high-quality Airsoft gun is not enough–it’s the BBs that you select. Your BBs should be fed well when shooting to shoot straight and hit long-range targets with ea
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In the airsoft world, AEG means Automatic electric gun. The other airsoft guns use manual pull-back springs or gas for firing bullets, However, the battery-powered guns use electricity for the firi
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Electric airsoft rifles, or AEGs (Automatic Electric Guns), are a popular choice among airsoft enthusiasts. These battery-powered guns offer both automatic and semi-automatic firing modes, making t
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