G&G Airsoft
G&G SMC 9 Gas SMG Airsoft Carbine, Black
G&G Airsoft
G&G GR16 CQW Rush Blowback AEG Airsoft Rifle
Atlas Custom Works
ACW Specter Airsoft SMG AEG, Black
G&G Airsoft
G&G Top Tech TR16 A3 Blowback Airsoft Rifle
Classic Army
Classic Army Nemesis X9 PDW SMG AEG, Gray/Black

Blowback and Recoil Rifles & SMGs
Blowback and Recoil Rifles & SMGs
All products here have either simulated electric blowback, or electric recoil shock systems, or are powered with CO2 and green gas to have the genuine look and feel of the real-steel gun! As hobbyists, most of us love to have realistic-looking firearms that we can enjoy shooting year after year. Unfortunately, in this industry, it's easy to become confused about which kind of airsoft guns we should choose. For example, some firearm offerings are more expensive than others or require more maintenance. Let's look at the differences so you can narrow down your options.
Any firearm, including airsoft weapons, will have a recoil
So why do we mention recoil as something to look for? Because most semi-automatic airsoft gun users don't think that theirs has enough recoil. While this isn't a big deal for many players who don't know what it's like to shoot a real gun, people who use airsoft skirmishes as a training opportunity would prefer a realistic experience. Many airsoft people are also National Guard or other military personnel and know the difference.
For an older-style electronic gun, there's barely any recoil because the small electric gearbox simply shoots the BB or paintball out of the gun barrel. Unlike real ammunition and gunpowder, this doesn't take nearly as much effort. In addition, the spring loading mechanism usually doesn't work the same way that your "real" guns do. And with the pellets weighing less than bullets, it's easy to see how recoil for an airsoft rifle can be much less than its real counterpart.
AEG rifles are the "standard" for beginning to intermediate airsoft guns.
However, an AEG gun is the original way to play airsoft. Because these guns run on batteries, the polymer weapons are often relatively lightweight despite the bulk of a battery. Unfortunately, as gun owners are aware, heavier guns tend to have less recoil than their lighter counterparts, considering the same kind of ammunition is used. This means that a polymer gun with a smaller battery and magazine will have very little recoil. Unless you add a lot of accessories or weight, the shooter will barely notice that the gun went off. With that said, these are a decent choice for the planet because the batteries are rechargeable. With proper care, you can still get good performance out of traditional AEGs.
With that said, if you want a realistic M16 rifle or M4 carbine, the AEG is probably not the best choice. Instead, a different option might be better, if you can afford it.
Traditional gas airsoft rifles provide easy care and are economical
A "middle of the road" semi-auto option is a non-blowback gas rifle. With these, you use a cartridge of green gas or CO2 to propel the BB or pellet out of the gun. This way, you don't have to worry about ensuring your rechargeable batteries are ready for skirmishes. If you have an opportunity to play with little notice, this can be awesome. On the other hand, you can always keep a spare battery and adapter in your equipment bag.
Gas airsoft rifles have more recoil than AEG guns and are reasonably economical. On the other hand, you still need to do a fair bit of maintenance, as the gas can leave a residue. Still, these are a great option to replace your old M4 carbine or M16 rifle from your military days, without its costing you an arm and a leg.
Gas blowback rifles (GBBR) are very realistic but at a cost.
If you are a military veteran or firearm enthusiast, the GBBR is a great option to relive your experiences in the military and show off. After all, that M4 carbine you had to leave behind was probably a lot of fun to shoot targets at. Besides this, a GBBR rifle has a similar movement profile to a real m4 carbine, M16 rifle, or semiautomatic firearm. Just handling these tools can make you feel like you did in the good old days, so these just may be the tools for playing with your army buddies.
Of course, realistic play is about more than just healthy recoil. These guns are made of wood, polymer, and metal just like the originals. About the only difference is the adaptations needed to make your gun an airsoft rifle rather than a true firearm. Some even have tripods you can use on the firing line during skirmishes to wait for your opponent in comfort. You can feel like a sniper in no time! Or fire lots of rounds at the other side, and be glad that airsoft is just a game.
The other problem with GBBRs is that they have a high purchase cost, significant maintenance requirements, and consume gas canisters at a higher rate. So while you get realistic gameplay, you'll also pay for it. In addition, these firearms tend to be less accurate. If you want an M16 that sprays projectiles quickly, though, that probably isn't a big problem. This is where your playing style and budget are important factors when selecting your equipment.
As you can see, the assortment of realistic rifles is very extensive. Depending on your level of commitment to the sport, you can choose from various semi-automatic guns. Then, all you need to do is pick the right accessories and then go to skirmishes with your friends. Meanwhile, other people will admire your gun after they're "out" of the game.
Important Notice: All Airsoft guns are sold with an orange tip. It is illegal to remove the orange tip. Removing the orange tip will void your warranty. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase any Airsoft gun. For more information, read our Airsoft Disclaimer. You must be 18 years of age or older to order!